BriteN: Early nutritional Interventions for healthy brain development - Food and Cognition


The BriteN project is aimed at finding biomarkers for the effects of nutrition on the developing child brain. Neurocognitive measures will be obtained in both rodents (Radboudumc) and humans (Radboud University). For the studies in young rodents, specific home cages (Metris) and touch screen tasks will be developed to better track the effects of nutritional interventions (Mead Johnson Nutrition / RB) on specific biomarkers (TNO). For the studies in children, virtual reality (Green Dino) will be used to study the development of spatial cognition and navigation skills and their relation to diet. Moreover, an fNIRS set-up (Artinis) will be developed to measure spatial cognition skills in very young children.

Start- end date


Funding source
EFRO (European Regional Development Fund)

Coordinating organisation  Radboud University
Name  Esther Aarts



biomarkers nutrition brain childrenbiomarkers nutrition brain childrenbiomarkers nutrition brain childrenbiomarkers nutrition brain childrenbiomarkers nutrition brain childrenbiomarkers nutrition brain children